Wall Construction

All the indoor climbing starts with climbing walls! We can wholeheartedly recommend the following two companies for your next project.



SLVTR is run by Bernard Klok and is the perfect partner for all your small(-ish) climbing wall construction projects. Bernard has years of experience and can help you to get the most out of your available floor space.

Facebook: facebook.com/infoslvtr
Email: bernard@slvtr.nl
Phone: +31 6 29 00 58 97




With projects like Sharma Climbing (in Barcelona) DreamWall has shown that they can design and build memorable climbing experiences, on a large scale. If you are looking to build a new venue or redesign part of your existing walls, DreamWall can make it happen.

Website: dreamwallclimbing.com
Instagram: instagram.com/dreamwallclimbing
Email: sales@dreamwallclimbing.com
Phone: +359 899 89 07 96